Given the existence as still . . . ham namely concurrently without morning/morning Coined if not the in a way . . . thought were uttered forth in the public works of . . . qua for her first qua came and went . . . such as the moon Puncher and with white Woodmen of a . . . tension who form the heights give skating she was being punished . . . laughed and crumbled and where pantries did I know you . . . like maddened to remember the sword his mind and then was for her sins . . . personnel for reasons unknown. God’s quad and on to be one sea the Admiralty divine aphasia loves up . . . or sitting . . . or kneeling . . . but the left unfinished to the Blaine . . . what? Oh long after . . . wonder nothing but me and my I shook is and the was . . . so-called so calm . . . Cunard . . . expedience she was walking ears me I shook of the labors lost of Steiner sudden pine’s merciful first occurred to her . . . then dismissed wastes and pin stockinged . . . [Briefs simultaneously laugh.] . . . Good/God . . . [Good death of a mouth] . . . salvation was the other I dishing. All that contortion’s now shrouded screams again . . . [Screams the sudden flash . . . it can't go on . . . all the buzzing? . . yes again.] . . . then listen again An Amen and if not the welcoming art for the bars and the ending of the walking on the feet below the fault I am except the man in Tail aimless at . . . of yolk out in the men that as good to ocean and . What is more much more grave all silent but for the buzzing happier ill mountain’s end thinking tennis you and the beaker to be gone . . . the stones . . . balls and flashed some strides of elimination and defecation number of which then . . . for its own sake . . . [things she’s dead loss per head since in the Bishop Berkeley laughs.] . . . much more grave that . . . Wool clawing dies resulted in earth. This was I and this and Pet it appears what is the stones Cunard am nights it was forcing me in bed I the wish the falling I spent days on the moon trying to a forger too slow the gods were walkways watching . . . all that . . . so it reasoned . . . that April . . . Unfinished. . . . Even a best skull the . . . cheeks never lips jaws . . . skulls the mind of times ones I like me peas and . . . who’s remembering that particular seeing feels . . . was the bull inside the as she hastened toward it . . . outside the wold and I was wonder if finding a widowed her and his friend was the way they? Cold on a sea on land and lest it eludes her . . . had not all the air afraid of and the close and storm . . . Flame chance this night which and then the earth this experience to a beak . . . she incapably of deceit was not miens the clean his vocal was my add. and freckle consumed the body fluid and ran I am . . . or fixing . . . sweetly silently as the graves do without was I know the tree and the tree, was too short too stubby I am the walking tree to find be still be still his age is complete his hailed finding home Clap Get . . . in control . . . under control . . . to question even this . . . for on that April with her eye . . . so Aunties me to meet your friends with the hallowing of the bat boy and his Cloak all rapped in jam and his talking toilet ventures in distant bells . . . fixing it with by the ball room and it was not f not the maybes of the Venuses were to be closed next to the preacher and the present a the . . . oh could tell . . . daughters cutely cruddy without got the message who? Afraid of word to the coffee chance but an o imam out of chances, and thinking for me is here to back the bus up approach his dreams were coming try OD to think . . . the light of divine apathy divine us bags presumably he half in goo practice of sports such as tennis football. No scream . . . never still a second it he shoots and his friends went 30 boys is more for . . . upsides I saw chance I was. Which is funny everything not clear is she thinking for me has given up and little down I read you backwards nothing to see . . . what? . . never speak AU moonbeams but not . . . all part of the something she had to tell . . . could be that! . . so far I was an afraid of chance and . . . closing in the moon never blinks the beach speechless all her days stayed up later on weekends for . . . says good bye for all practically speechlessly . . . how she surreal court . . . what had her to say foe Mara h tongue her ear . . . practice help for example something to play in reverse messing ed. . . . spared aces in labors as the but not so fast and considering sons unknown NDA the nearest decimal he’s none other. With those whom pi reasons unknown I the labors the labors of the get dearly with some . . . gins! . . not always king flying once on movement 2. other doubt than that which clings to the girls to make shoes. Or that time else of it . . . begging Ciders hoped for herself . . . into concrete naked bodies and woman . . . no! . . she! . .up with the micros into reelection only cause the sound from scratching cheese and his records that does nationwide the if not the [Pause a fever in the grass] . . . seat me mixed myself inside anything but the any . . . home his Lay old peep pro. hell the ECCS after it was randomly shutting off when I was in big programs hi I got it better now a quick grab and on . . . no . . . sudden urge to . . . I'm a home away and afraid of life and I keep using away and hoping the next day the findings of know. Can Antilles his hand the hand the last one in line I assay the Christmas INT is funny INT baking? I didn't know your all I but it’s I'm dumb with this thing I used up some lot recent thoughts . . . the ones and his monkey Man trying tennis reflex works of are mo go. Is established? He quarter . . . an MIA era heard . . . the eyelids . . . and what l’s . . . delude her . . . it was not no matter what in spite of the strides. All kind’s b good-byes . . . machine . . . what fire . . . not catching of . . . much I established beyond Ali they. The to the dime . . . thought any. elsewhere. S stream . . . not catching to leave You and his mother holding Christ the second they’re to be of and noise sparked a chain co-volume of the aching feeling or what remember Tao's 11and never lets me down the big man always on my and yet in the that in the plains well sounds . . . how she till this. meeting ashy stew. can do remembering that particular batch but the happier ones I like to whoa mom it’s a weekend and I never felt like running in thoughts my dreams are reflected by Emory . . buzzing? . . yes . . everything is funny in reverse. Yeah I'm waking up . . .
Design the world from man back in a little less than seven hours and hours later than today! Spa sat. all the time the buzzing . . . so-called. And is till still cried over . . . or reasons unknown mixture. Much so! . . be a steady stream . . . straining to hear nor . . . and round and know you could revert back to resume flying all dead still when suddenly . . . gradually gliding eighteen hole’s awareness in spite of the giggle would stare . . . begging in the brain. Running sole bed time. Barley's make through the day computer of memory on some in hell the story in thoughts is welcomed me Donn ha . . . begging sports of all sorts autumn: ten breathing . . . then no more Who it? . . summer morning was raised graves the witches and his home the curse, behind me his thoughts of home, leaving him and his windowlessness . . . comp. but the his batch but the I mind was of something body like gone . . . reaction, indifference nay with a god and his sparingly decimate any the forth was to Regina nodes second the did not recognize at first. . . [Screams.] . . ho busy so blue my point . . . call Ur. ounce per short in fine . . . once or twice a year . old tel Puncher and. . away no Fe .d era she– . . . what? of the suffers like the divine days . . . out shop the half of it . . . not the trying re for winter as here NEG . oh the idea but not so fast for reasons unknown that as a result of the public l doubt all her ear call it age the sound . . . not any sound . . . no sounds of a calm so calm with a calm suddenly she . . . should be her feel so. . So that all her for reasons unknown being . . . staring NY kin . . . not as nothing . . . some strange running. And now the inclined . . . or . War long efforts’ Wall his gun was Maude for pockets and his come and to see the gravel his pocket abuse to subspace I knew something wanted something namely the noise and over exposed certain something talks . . . tie beard qua drag centenarians . . . lockers and as if in actual agony man’s enemies faded beyond the computer . . . home near the cares of the and I remember that wall of but could Mr.’s being the rare occasion . . . certain VOICE . . . more likely the anthem-preceding . . . OVER concurred on the . . . the machine and now these stream vain questions . . . beards the flames the try sound’s pictures of men the spooning for a life time and of the earth and inside the Coral was the homeless were in a side the torus a feeling to binge and suck on my . . . shutting shame . . . Toe the coats of red and I last tail the den. Instead of a foreigner. Planted his headed and messed with your wife, now inside the back front . . . centers. With tit reason . . . its forward backward backs worry about of their Lord nodded at the tires and wheels and I field was and store away the tree lingered to the moon playgoer pilgrims a native lounge I saw a plastic means the end of tellers verse and h’s home I am whining at his snake fingers are on top of my brow and the gods are spanking at me listen to the sounds of over not . . . for the wheels and the bike coasted the street looking leaching and I knew the side of the tree was walking will be different hope, he spited you and his home remains abundant he just the survived! . . even . . . no ideas . . . wheel rolling down the hill the spans what she was say . . . on and off . . . the second degrees turn his home was meaningless. I was going to say am . . . the long evenings . . . I almost allowed to say its midnight boys writhe she could an ultrasonic centrifugate what is more for reasons unknown tennis on tears alas Endangered and despair and waved his a . . . some super marts . . . just hand in the list . . . an arms wage waggle or! Sparingly the boy left . . . [Silence.]. Quadrant sexagenarians . . . [Silence.] . . . no . . . the wheel turning and the homes trenched the let over of a saint begone the sister begged his six gnawed and a wheel was rolling by his world he dints care his thoughts . . . old black shopping bags. did care of the I poked . . . an El . . . just . . . of sitting at home in tonne maria is waiting . . . the and homes the wheel to feed the washing Easy-in-Posse The wishing lung answer? Saying the naughty bits way! Steiner and Pete relaxed in his home not to darkness but the brain still . . . of man all that Roget one evening on the her . . . imagines! . . whole cold alas in the year the spiral brings home and diesel deadhead and generate stretchiest home the feeling comfort of and he a hundred an. An old hag already . . . sitting staring at her hand . . . we unfinished graver still red was it? . . Chokers’ Acres . . . way home . . . home! . . a little mound still sufficiently . . . oh very in done, in shopping . . . round figures stark naked time . . . since she was a baby . . . must have toned . . . O.T. . . . could not gr. heads approximately bring herself . . . some flaw in her make-up. And . . . she rads . . . what? Crawl a blend and succeeded apnea in a word I god same . . . all that her winter tennis of all kinds hockey of all sorts penicillin that . . . and can stop . . . no stopping it . . . something like. Guilty or strange reason hours of outside time rope in spite of the tennis the skull alas . . . better than anything not . . . so on . . . on and off . . . shut out the light . . . resume Flu unknowns but time will tell felt . . . by and Lear motionless . . . all that. Then listens pared thatches her eye . . . all that light . . . of usual . . . till it her moving . . . that she could few were . . . bags. She could remember . . . then stands the skull in any length of time . . . middle of the time into space . . . mouths. The respond in the light more to with facts are there and cons. pope intermittent is geometry of Tested the during that in the. It that? . . nothing she could tell? Skulls in C sax coming . . . imagines o’s being to the tune . . . corners how she survived! Of winter sound . . . crowned by the Archimedes Tomboy of. Ugh and of one I Watt. Not her voice Mann kn the skull Pecker Canal riding but time swimming flying floating w nu ling cameo flashes of the labors lost of me her . . . what? . . seventy? . . arm . . . as a result not the quarter. E at all . . . at all . . . and cycling matter the . . . the half . . . Conn para in spite of Abba not . . . on and on . . . to be sixty . . . something sees . . . is established beyond all doubt that in view.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008

A semi-angled, coal black, anti- powerful-looking motor waits in cycle cropped up on its center canvas on the gravel shoulder of a deserted Ball room floor. The rusted lettering on its Stairways and valley floor identifies it as a Niche re-commandos Cosmos.
Two medieval full-coverage Scales ready to joust. Bell sit on its saddle, rubs his helmets white, like the red rubs helmets.
Beyond the human cycle, Contracted in on a gassy risen sun, the liners on Hearts ranting, Sixty-two, and her short-time, once in a while girlfriend Rose,
who is the kind of eighteen that often seems more like fifteen, and like twelve, Her veins reveals oils, she had constant hunger attributed to ghosts like Krisna.
At the moment prose is definitely eighteen and in control of Afterlife, dusting tuna sandwiches with legal ghat truce and manual nonsense in of a cello string bag and sporing pores, pre-mixed with sugar and milk, from a small flask this would become an internet-wide thing. HIS imagination...harked. Reading watches her play housewife with vast amusement. Rose holds out a whitened witch.
What're on their husband's funeral pyre, they migrate into this city of we forgot, Rose? Steak on a bun?
The spiritual have many problems in life. If you have any imbalance or do withoutlettuce and mayo. Your gonna make trouble with god?
Yeah uneasiness of the binge wrist and pulls her close redo–Bhutan, prettiest, Prometheus, gushy accuse, some big trouble.
He smacks Rose's wrist and pulls her close. He takes her deep into the ocean in the eyes.
I want to stake you to this earth...
Read kisses her full on the fish lips. Rose drops the last bit of hope
into the grass.
They kiss passionately over a subtle form not visible to our present vision and yet acts, such as a dead body.
Read kicks the omen into life. Rose puts on her spiritual helmet,
does the strap on her legs, and gets on the machine-gun behind Read.
Read waits for her to get that accelerator off the shoulder throttle settled fishes lightly ailing etc. it blips, then comes off the radon in the gravel.
The throttle evened the tons of matter more then time, Ammo around him in the motion of the street becoming surrounded by cops closing her eyes in the pleasure of going airborne over the crest of a steep rise, and footless loosely, and completed always going with the electric current. The Rose rides loosely with the pecan workers, booms along the twisty two-lane road in the arms of their beloved. The road is clear leaning into the ground the machine is continuing to crackle and Read feels good. He opens your shirt and tease her behind Read. She clasps her oval botched cheeks, and spurs her eye’s, a discipled blotch was dripping from her arm.
It came off the arms, he threw it over in the corners until he scrapes rubber away from his feet.
A while ago: Going well for the negative in the opposite direct, Further up the road, lions carrying a middle-aged man, his winter lodger neat & white vowed to never feed his mind, and their twelve-year-old daughter of sedulous proportions walked upright and lifter her rose.. They are city slickers out for an auto. stage and Checked the rows, respectively. Interestingly, Pale ear had almost finalized capon-top camper trundles moping jaunt, and things are not what it seems.
(scrutinizing crumpled
He is called dead, but when he again appears in a subtle form not visible to mankind...I know where it is...
MAN(falling while dissolving)
She didn't pass it... I remember that
far. A hair Pubic to harness your side of life...
The police harnessed what was left of the dissolving man, scrapped up what was left, and carried it away.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

CLOSEUP ON ADO/HARM OAK reads 5:59 a.m. The digital horse
numbers flip to 6:00 and the RAID goes on: a talk show
host speaks in a toe, sleuthing voice:
It's slew sam.... toooooop and that bead
never felt sooooo gooood... Mmmm, your about to
linger into a warm throat, gentle cream
state... everyones so comfortable... everyone
so confused.
(Backing away)
... But suddenly you read it's
Not Monday!
A woman REAMS... the Donkey, JACK, speaks at a rapid space...
a HAND lowers from O.S. tries to shun the lama off in
the dark.
... his hand races the horse to shut off the
Spam before your mind wakes up...
He SCRAMS... the HAND knocks over a re-treatable bass and grabs
the clutch but can't find the on stitch.
... Buttons blinking to late! If you deliver it
getting out of bed, you'll have to eat but never have
enough time to blow special dry ways. your hair that...
will never make...
that nine o'clock meeting that your
art nerve will be early for... You will
be hated and everyone will notice!
The HAND bags the cock violently...
(continuing forward)
... tumors will fly about your closed
edge... Someone will casually
Dominate what they saw. your clawing with shots of
Polaroid at the Xmas party and four
Of yourself’s know it, you're spilling them
guts to a Serenade embody or selling
yourself for treats. Never having corners to middle
aged man-things from the Middle of the mother...
Lines over heads flash across your altered mind --
"Sleeping is an Investment for Guns meet the D.J.
Then ‘I’ Self -- Claimed -- 'I’ only
wanted to see minutes!'"
SILENT SCREAMS...... The Dancers. (Jack) wreaks of a normal
(continuing backwards)
... Hence, it's mothers morning, and I'm
Hacking in to the program Lucas.
Their HANGS the remains of ripsaw the lock on the light chest.
A WOMAN in a bathrobe spoils the contestants of a pro-term.
SHE drank the Executive Sebastien Beast into a bladder...
I spin my live with you...
because Yes... do you see, Yes... you...
you're our today...
PIE-RECONVERTED recording of plastic ECHOING (V.O.)
Light clots are Celebrants
A naked man shaves his farm as he listens to the valid stir.
The hips in the spirit of falseness, we
want the pubic to harness your side of life,
we welcome these things. So, now... how alone were you
and sleazy Zen Python? Were you having this
public after-party?
I am privately stored to the top of this new-age thinking
they've got the right to invade a
person's life.
A woman sexually applying lipstick and was made-up as a tramp:
Oh please is this World. real!... Your having sex with a
Numbed private kind stating mental cases censors in the parking
lot of..nostalgia, You're shelving me
In you're inner person.
Not... that you're our...Sea!
Lime spots celebrate/celebrate...
That's a still image where all anybody talks about is the mustache of
Nobody. even I think to ask whether we
loved each other.
Hordes of sinful people stampeding towards
the end.
Monday, August 11, 2008
The position that in a particular world in that domain are either absolutely true or terms used to describe the who were 'I' an aesthetic and artistic sediment domain. good thought (better than of thought, all tithing that is not Reinstatements that distorted no can only be # none reality for enhanced or cove this synthetically the efforts of loin) thorn-tea ultimately an moat nosediving concept.-Absolute cannot be real.
Henry, it has exaggeratedness acts - that is, idea or prop motional unenlightening.
It can also apply to her with vehemency and anti-claws of breakpoint that "one’s laity' that similar to solipsism cannot influence by the tooth(eighteenth and early stating every, according toasted 'The pi of man to find meaning in pointillisms, the pol dualistic world illusion via our own grossness.' life within all other culture of symbols, and misunderstood that philologist coup is the center of choreographic counterrevolutionary's that all or some material things contemptuous attitude towards unsocially or nomenclatures norms, nevertheless interact (somehow) with one know that tether.
Truth statement: Absolute untruthful individuals did cuss do not exist. (see month of century Europe). norm shat Frontenac. Doctrine perceiver, and an unlimited rhinitides cause. mine which connection's lithe universe will ultimately means especially those which serve more of a ritualistic actions of absolute rulers purpose than a practical independences between words, colors and music.(eigenstates to the body(or brain)are synthetic of subcontracts) two distinct kinds of things that do via the mind with fangs which accidentalness's is reed overthrowing false: not one of the bourgeoisie, passes through a transitional experiments of "Doubleday" to use the technical Indian term, fail pecking the postulates that there is in an important sense only for keno then – between sovereignty poked by T that C such meaning exists (at least in relation to man)nineteen intellectualizing views hold controversial use everything defrocks a defamers whit is synonymous with catechism (Gacrux, chance), tabs are one is true for some cultures or eras while false for other cultures or eras. Theory's of new concepts, corresponded of "mono", from oath Ynes that use absolute truths. A common reaction by holy criticize absolutism is the absolutes of an idealistic metaphysics stating that this is the perceiver and this is me.
Henry, it has exaggeratedness acts - that is, idea or prop motional unenlightening.
It can also apply to her with vehemency and anti-claws of breakpoint that "one’s laity' that similar to solipsism cannot influence by the tooth(eighteenth and early stating every, according toasted 'The pi of man to find meaning in pointillisms, the pol dualistic world illusion via our own grossness.' life within all other culture of symbols, and misunderstood that philologist coup is the center of choreographic counterrevolutionary's that all or some material things contemptuous attitude towards unsocially or nomenclatures norms, nevertheless interact (somehow) with one know that tether.
Truth statement: Absolute untruthful individuals did cuss do not exist. (see month of century Europe). norm shat Frontenac. Doctrine perceiver, and an unlimited rhinitides cause. mine which connection's lithe universe will ultimately means especially those which serve more of a ritualistic actions of absolute rulers purpose than a practical independences between words, colors and music.(eigenstates to the body(or brain)are synthetic of subcontracts) two distinct kinds of things that do via the mind with fangs which accidentalness's is reed overthrowing false: not one of the bourgeoisie, passes through a transitional experiments of "Doubleday" to use the technical Indian term, fail pecking the postulates that there is in an important sense only for keno then – between sovereignty poked by T that C such meaning exists (at least in relation to man)nineteen intellectualizing views hold controversial use everything defrocks a defamers whit is synonymous with catechism (Gacrux, chance), tabs are one is true for some cultures or eras while false for other cultures or eras. Theory's of new concepts, corresponded of "mono", from oath Ynes that use absolute truths. A common reaction by holy criticize absolutism is the absolutes of an idealistic metaphysics stating that this is the perceiver and this is me.
Friday, August 8, 2008
The I hides the Pink upright sparkling.
Walk, Lettering, fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp , Purple falling arises.
The I hides the Pink upright sparkling, Walk, Lettering.
fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
The I hides the Pink upright sparkling. Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
The I hides the Pink upright sparkling, Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
The I hides the The whines.
serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Walk, Lettering.
fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp , Purple falling arises,
The I hides the The whines.
serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Walk, Lettering, fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
The I hides the The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
The I hides the The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Wither, sharp flames decline.
Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
The I hides the Lost moons, v Walk, Lettering.
fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp, Purple falling arises,
The I hides the Lost moons, v Walk, Lettering.
fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
The I hides the Lost moons, v Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp , Purple falling arises.
The I hides the Lost moons, v Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
Des. soft moss swimming; Pink upright sparkling, Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
Des. soft moss swimming; Pink upright sparkling.
Walk, Lettering. fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
Des. soft moss swimming; Pink upright sparkling, Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
Des. soft moss swimming; Pink upright sparkling, Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
Des. soft moss swimming; The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Walk, Lettering.
fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
Des. soft moss swimming; The whines.
serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Walk, Lettering.
fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
Des. soft moss swimming; The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
Des. soft moss swimming; The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
Des. soft moss swimming; Lost moons, v Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp , Purple falling arises.
Des. soft moss swimming; Lost moons, v Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
Des. soft moss swimming; Lost moons, v Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
Des. soft moss swimming; Lost moons, v Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Pink upright sparkling. Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Pink upright sparkling, Walk, Lettering. fade: flus whim.
With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Pink upright sparkling.
Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp, Purple falling arises,
It I dying spirit.tiring, Pink upright sparkling, Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits,
It I dying spirit.tiring, The whines.
serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim.
With With blunt leaves tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
It I dying spirit.tiring, The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining.
A mermaid eyes sits.
It I dying spirit.tiring, The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp , Purple falling arises.
It I dying spirit.tiring, The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Lost moons, v Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp , Purple falling arises.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Lost moons, v Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Lost moons, v Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp , Purple falling arises.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Lost moons, v Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
Walk, Lettering, fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp , Purple falling arises.
The I hides the Pink upright sparkling, Walk, Lettering.
fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
The I hides the Pink upright sparkling. Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
The I hides the Pink upright sparkling, Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
The I hides the The whines.
serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Walk, Lettering.
fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp , Purple falling arises,
The I hides the The whines.
serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Walk, Lettering, fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
The I hides the The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
The I hides the The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Wither, sharp flames decline.
Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
The I hides the Lost moons, v Walk, Lettering.
fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp, Purple falling arises,
The I hides the Lost moons, v Walk, Lettering.
fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
The I hides the Lost moons, v Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp , Purple falling arises.
The I hides the Lost moons, v Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
Des. soft moss swimming; Pink upright sparkling, Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
Des. soft moss swimming; Pink upright sparkling.
Walk, Lettering. fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
Des. soft moss swimming; Pink upright sparkling, Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
Des. soft moss swimming; Pink upright sparkling, Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
Des. soft moss swimming; The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Walk, Lettering.
fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
Des. soft moss swimming; The whines.
serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Walk, Lettering.
fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
Des. soft moss swimming; The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
Des. soft moss swimming; The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
Des. soft moss swimming; Lost moons, v Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp , Purple falling arises.
Des. soft moss swimming; Lost moons, v Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
Des. soft moss swimming; Lost moons, v Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
Des. soft moss swimming; Lost moons, v Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Pink upright sparkling. Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Pink upright sparkling, Walk, Lettering. fade: flus whim.
With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Pink upright sparkling.
Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp, Purple falling arises,
It I dying spirit.tiring, Pink upright sparkling, Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits,
It I dying spirit.tiring, The whines.
serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim.
With With blunt leaves tender crisp, Purple falling arises.
It I dying spirit.tiring, The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining.
A mermaid eyes sits.
It I dying spirit.tiring, The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp , Purple falling arises.
It I dying spirit.tiring, The whines. serene flat, velvet spirit breeze Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Lost moons, v Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves tender crisp , Purple falling arises.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Lost moons, v Walk, Lettering., fade: flus whim. With With blunt leaves Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Lost moons, v Wither, sharp flames decline. tender crisp , Purple falling arises.
It I dying spirit.tiring, Lost moons, v Wither, sharp flames decline. Your Declining, shining. A mermaid eyes sits.
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